August 12 - 13, 2025
One Farrer Hotel, Singapore
ADARA is the world's travel dataco-op providing a unique holistic understanding of travel patterns, trends andbehavior. It’s a safe and secure way to share and analyze historical and realtime data about more than 500 million monthly unique traveler profiles frommore than 100 of the world's top travel businesses.
The ADARA data co-op fuels threecore business areas: Advertising, Measurement & Analytics and TravelerIntelligence. Together they provide unparalleled access to insights andknowledge allowing travel marketers to increase marketing efficiency, maximizerevenues and grow their brands.
Let’sTravel Together
ADARA is headquartered in PaloAlto, California and has 20 offices across North America, Europe, Middle Eastand Asia Pacific. Partners include Marriott, Accor, Etihad, United, American,Delta and Hertz