Rolling Out Loyalty Rewards: Engaging the Emerging Generation

Young travelers are driving the global tourism market. Are you prepared to capture their attention and loyalty?
Cheryl Chi, Group Director CRM, Loyalty, Partnerships at Wharf Hotels, Dilpreet Singh, Head, Loyalty, CRM & Partnerships at ITC Hotels and Olivier Berrivin, Vice President APAC at BWH Hotels put their thoughts together in this infographic. Born and raised in a digital age, Gen Z and Gen Alpha are shaped by intensified social media usage, connectivity and technology. Learn about their unique chracteristics and preferences to develop effective strategies to engage, attract, and retain therm.
Our Contributors:
Cheryl Chi, Group Director CRM, Loyalty, Partnerships, Wharf Hotels
Dilpreet Singh, Head, Loyalty, CRM & Partnerships, ITC Hotels
Olivier Berrivin, Vice President, APAC BWH Hotels