'Revenge Travel’ - the trends Booking.com predict and why you should pay attention

“Making It Easier for Everyone to Experience the World” is the ethos behind Booking.com. As one of the world leading digital travel companies in 227 countries world-wide, they must remain at the forefront of customer demand in today’s ultra-connected age. Laura
Houldsworth is Managing Director & Vice President for Asia Pacific at Booking.com with full responsibility for the leadership and development of the Asia Pacific business, she plays a critical role in driving business growth, strategy and operations across one of the most dynamic and diverse regions for the company.
In this exclusive interview, Laura tells us about:
- ‘Revenge travel’, specific trends booking.com are seeing in the region and why they’re investing all the efforts into mobile and app optimisation
- Her perspective on flexible booking and cancellation policies
- Some interesting insights into how booking.com are reigniting travel inspiration and unlocking the ‘inner explorer’
Watch now.